Pediatric Therapeutics
Feeding Therapy
Feeding therapy involves the evaluation and treatment of delays and disorders affecting feeding and nutrition.
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Feeding Therapy
Feeding therapy, in its simplest form, is when a trained occupational or speech therapist helps teach a child how to eat or eat better.
Enrollment in feeding therapy begins with a comprehensive evaluation by one of our highly trained Speech Language Pathologists (SLP) and/or Occupational Therapists (OT) to determine if there are any concerns in the areas of the mechanics of eating and/or swallowing, nutrition due to limited food preferences, weight gain, sensory responses to food, etc. If the SLP or OT determines a weakness in any of the above areas, a plan of care specific to your child’s needs will be created to guide therapy. All of our Feeding Therapists have advanced degrees in their respective fields from accredited university programs. All have professional licensure granted by the state of Indiana and maintain First Steps certification. They participate in many hours of continuing education every year to stay up to date on the latest evidence-based practices.
what to look for
Signs Your Child May Benefit from
Feeding Therapy Services
There are many reasons why you or your pediatrician may be concerned about your child’s feeding skills/development including:
Delayed Developmental Milestones
Sensory Processing Issues
Food Allergies or Severe Reflux
Developmental Delays
Picky Eating/Limited Food Choices/Gagging During Meals/Not Eating Enough Calories, Etc.
Transition from Feeding Tube to Oral Nutrition

If therapy is determined to be necessary after the evaluation, your Feeding therapist will recommend how often they feel your child should be seen to make steady progress, typically 1-2 sessions per week. Your Feeding therapist will prepare each session targeting the goals established in your child’s plan of care. You and your child will be guided through specific steps/skills to become more proficient eaters. Feeding Therapy at Kidworks is typically conducted using food and utensils familiar to the child. Often, your child will not even know they are “working”! Parents frequently participate in therapy sessions. If not, your therapist will talk to you at the end of your child’s session and let you know what was targeted and how you can help your child until the next visit. If any specific techniques or strategies have proven helpful, your therapist will demonstrate them for you. At Kidworks we believe that parents and therapists working together results in the best outcomes for our clients.

We accept a wide variety of insurance plans in commercial, government and exchange arenas, including Medicaid.
The insurance experts at Kidworks will work with you to attain the maximum benefits to which you are entitled. Please contact our office for more information.
Our Office Address
1120 S Calumet, Suite 3
Chesterton, IN 46304
Give Kidworks A Call
(219) 983-9675